VQmon for TCP video streaming is an embedded software technology that measures the quality and performance of streamed video. VQmon non-intrusively monitors video streamed using key streaming protocols, analyzes video quality and buffering performance, and reports detailed Quality of Experience and performance metrics. VQmon is available as a compiled binary for Windows, Linux, Solaris, BSD, and standard processor environments. VQmon can be integrated directly into a wide range of hardware and software including Internet-ready TVs, PC video player software, mobile handsets, handheld active test devices, routers, probes and analyzers.
- Supports a range of popular streaming protocols (Apple HLS, Adobe RTMP / Flash 9+ / HDS,
- Microsoft Smooth Streaming), file container formats, and video/audio codecs†
- Accurate, real-time mean opinion scores for video, audio, and audio-video performance (MOS-V, MOS-A, MOS-AV)
- Estimated Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (EPSNR)
- Playout buffer modeling tracks buffer levels, fill and empty rate, and rebuffering time to identify gaps in playout and impact on viewer QoE
- Perceptual quality metrics, buffer statistics, video stream descriptors, and TCP metrics reported at a 1-second sample interval for each video session
- Extended TCP information reported as cumulative metrics over the duration of the stream
- Compact, efficient code size typically around 450 KB (compiled binary)
- CPU load typically between 0.2 to 2.0 MIPS per active stream depending on resolution
- 4K RAM per active stream (minimal usage - storage of out-of-sequence packets and index files requires additional memory allocation)
- Processor: 32-bit generic integer processor