Each device can either be used in a standalone mode where it can be directly connected to a router or system mode in conjunction with our soft panels.
User Flexibility:
Users have the freedom to configure each keypad layout to exactly match their application, & in addition can color code each button to easily identify groups of buttons or specific functions, driving greater efficiency while saving both time & money.
Snell has a range of control panels to take control of its routers. Choose from dial-up control panels, multibus control panels, multi-key LCD control panels and customized configurable control panels.
Operational Flexibility:
Each device can either be used in a standalone mode where it can be directly connected to a router or system mode in conjunction with our soft panels.
User Flexibility:
Users have the freedom to configure each keypad layout to exactly match their application, & in addition can color code each button to easily identify groups of buttons or specific functions, driving greater efficiency while saving both time & money.
System Flexibility:
The new control panels are totally compatible with existing systems operating on RS422 protocol as well as those using Ethernet.
Application Flexibility:
The range is available in a number of different panel sizes, allowing cost effectiveness and space optimization, based on your exact requirements.