RTW USB Connect is a complimentary software expanding the field of applications for TM3-Primus with firmware version 1-02 or higher or MM3 MusicMeter. It supports the USB hybrid function of TM3-Primus or MM3 MusicMeter for direct access of audio signals from a DAW. Additionally, USB Connect provides remote control of the Start/Stop/Reset functions without the need to define TM3-Primus or MM3 MusicMeter as a standard audio output device. The software is available for most of the common plug-in formats as well as stand-alone application for Mac® and Windows® systems.
Monitoring and metering at the same time
Plug-in operation for a direct audio connection between DAW and TM3-Primus or MM3 MusicMeter via USB Connect
Direct access of Stereo or 5.1 audio signals from the DAW without dropping the audio interface
No need to define TM3-Primus or MM3 MusicMeter as standard audio output device in the computer system
Remote control of start/stop/reset functions of the directly connected TM3-Primus or MM3 MusicMeter via plug-in