The 100% discrete class-A circuit design begins with a dual-transistor J-FET circuit to produce up to 25dB of gain without introducing noise, color or artifact. Each individual transistor is carefully measured and batch-sorted to comply with the design specification to certify performance. As with all Radial™ products, the circuit board is then loaded into a 14-gauge, I-beam, reinforced steel enclosure to prevent outside stress from torquing which otherwise could lead to premature part failure. A book-end cover creates protective zones at each end to safeguard the switches, potentiometer and connectors from the rigours of the road.
Merely connect the McBoost in-line using standard 3-pin XLRs and activate 48V phantom to provide power. Select between three impedance settings to optimize the response and then reduce low-frequency clutter with the 3-position high-pass filter. The McBoost will elevate the output to produce added clarity, excitement and extra drive for long cables whether you are in a recording studio, on a live concert stage or in a broadcast center.