The DPU is designed to optimise use of the NXAMP’s channel by channel preset selection by automatically routing its outputs to any of 6 output connectors on the DPU front panel. Cabinet names and bridging status are displayed alongside each output, making it easy to wire the system. Security is assured by fully redundant power supplies and dual switching. When connecting DPU to the NXAMP, a routine first checks that the power from the amplifier is coming from the correct channel. If communication is lost with the NXAMP, the DPU retains its configuration until contact is resumed.
Intelligent output patch panel offering digital communication with NXAMPs
Provides automatic output speakons wiring regarding the configuration of the NXAMP
Four individual LCD displays for easy labelling of the output speakons
Fully redundant design for maximum safety, including dual power socket and dual universal power supplie
Plug and play operation, entirely driven by the host NXAMP