LEI-523 is a multi-format generator that can be used where various HD signals are required. Tri-level sync is on all analog component outputs, RGB or YUV. Sync output can be selected as Bi-level (black burst) or Tri-level. There are a total of thirty test signals available, including SMPTE, EIA and full field bars. There are 23 different HD formats available plus NTSC or PAL black burst.
Looping reference input
Bi-level or Tri-level reference
HD YUV or RGB outputs
30 test patterns
Master sync generator
23 different formats
Infinite timing
Bi-level and Tri-level outputs
Unit identification
Active patterns
Spec Sheet available - Yes
Operating Temperature (Maximum):
122 F
Operating Temperature (Minimum):
32 F
5.50 in
1.50 in
9 in
Product Weight:
1.75 lbs
Regulatory Compliance:
HD YUV or RGB Analog Output:
One set of three 75ohms BNCs
Sync Output:
Bi-level or Tri-level one 75ohms BNC, 0.6Vpp±10%
Y, G, B and R Output:
1Vpp, ±10% at 100% Color Bar