The PushToPalm helps get your presentation in front of your audience on any web browser enabled device.
A simple method to get your presentation in front of your audience on any web browser enabled device e.g. laptop, tablets & smart phones.
Upload your presentation as a pdf to PushToPalm, give your audience the unique URL for viewing and centrally control slide progression on all devices in real time. This has already been used successfully with a 2000+ audience. This is a very efficient system that uses your existing network with common place audience technology.
- Helps get your presentation in front of your audience on any web browser enabled device
- Simple method to get your presentation in front of your audience on any web browser enabled device e.g. laptop, tablets & smart phone
- Upload your presentation as a pdf to PushToPalm, give your audience the unique URL for viewing and centrally control slide progression on all devices in real time
- Has already been used successfully with a 2000+ audience
- Very efficient system that uses your existing network with common place audience technology
- Two product options available:
- A 4 day secure licence for small shows and infrequent users of the system
- A private web-server-in-a-box that puts Push To Palm onto your private network