The add-on module provides serial data and analog audio transmission to KVM extender systems. The RS422 interface supports differential full duplex transmission with up to 115,200 Baud. The signals are transmitted within the main board‘s KVM data stream. No additional Cat X or fiber link is required.
While the CPU unit assumes the function of a controlling device and can be connected directly to video or media servers, the CON unit is designed as a controlled device and allows direct connection to remote controllers (e. g. EVS LSM controllers). The analog audio interface supports parallel, bidirectional stereo audio. In addition, the signal of a sound card or other line level device can be transmitted. Active loudspeakers, microphone, headset etc. can be connected to the CON Unit.
The module is designed as a half-slot width card to be combined with other add-on modules, e. g. USB 2.0 devices. This provides a significant increase in functionality and flexibility. The Draco vario system allows flexible mounting of modules on all main modules and in all Draco vario chassis.