Grundorf Tour 8™ Over-Under™ OU Series rack cases provide provide full functionality and space savings all in one. Available in a variety of configurations, OU Series rack cases feature the Glide Track™ sliding system that reveals a slanted mixer area, while maintaining an area above the mixer that is incredibly handy for a variety of equipment with displays, such as dual-well CD player controllers. Use the lower vertical section for equipment such as amplifiers, rack drawers and dual-well CD player transports. At the end of the evening, slide the top rack forward, put on the front cover and push out. Who doesn't want a quick and easy set-up and tear down. This is an optional add-on table that can be added to the T8-OU1284C-T or T8-OU1484C-T racks. It can be mounted on either the left or right side to give you the option of two complete tables.