The EWD00 is a 1IP 65 rated rugged plastic transceiver box. Wireless DMX transceiver box with 2dB indoor antenna. Uses W-DMX G4 protocol for dual band operation 2.4GHz and 5.8GHz units. Single universe outdoor DMX/RDM transmitter/receiver. 1800 times per second high-speed frequency hopping. It provides complete DMX512 support and full RDM support. One-button-to-go support for ease of use. Adaptive frequency hopping radio. Invisi-wire high-fidelity technology - output matches input. Wireless fidelity and error correction. 2.4GHz radio License free worldwide. 5.8GHz dualband provides access to virgin spectrum. Interchangeable antennas. Ships standard with 2dBi indoor antenna.