Multichannel SCTE 35 mark detection with automatic program and advertisement content recognition for triggering recordings and messages. Accepts either DVB ASI or IP. Designed for service providers to monitor Ad placement opportunity and verify correct Ad insertion and by Ad agencies to verify that their Ads are played as intended. Ad Verifier™ SCTE35 monitoring and automatic content recognition system monitors all SCTE35 splicing messages in transport streams. It records table content and arrival timestamps in the system database. The triggered recording functionality can automatically record a piece of a transport stream upon the appearance of a splicing message or detected program content.
Receives transport streams via Ethernet or ASI interfaces
Supports broadcast stream and Internet streaming media using HLS and HTTP protocols
Based on Windows® 7
Decode video key frames and display video thumbnail on all input programs to verify program content
Monitor and decode PSI, DVB SI and PSIP tables
Automatically reporting and alarms using email with flexible trigger conditions