Combines easy-to-use interface with extensive support of broadcast and production equipment to deliver both centralized and distributed control over machinery and workflows - in the same room, between buildings, across campus, and around the globe.
The GPI Tally Processor is part of the DNF's Ethernet-based Flex Control Network family of products
Via Ethernet, a remote GTP-32 can trigger local events and vice versa
This is across a LAN or WAN, across the room or across continents!
Each GPI can trigger one or many GPO's as well as commands via serial port and Ethernet
Each GPO can be triggered by one or many GPI's, as well as serial or Ethernet commands
Choose from a range of control protocols over serial or Ethernet, which are easily tied to GPI's and GPO's!
Perfect as a PLC for industrial Automation and other applications
DNF Event-Based Automation: You set the rules, the GTP-32 does the thinking for you!
Using the GTP-32's Combinatorial Logic Option, monitor one or more inputs to trigger one or more commands based upon user-entered conditions: automation based on an event, not a traffic log
1) Selecting a program source turns on bugs / logos
2) Selecting an interstitial source turns off logos, triggers DTMF tones and initiates server playback
3) Source selection plus signal destination turns on / off HD up-converter, aspect converter
Keep it robust:
Offload these secondary events from your main automation system or manual control to the GTP-32's event-based automation, simplifying operations for traffic and master control alike
Automatic event logging captures it all for your records
Control Mapping:
Change input or output configurations and signal conditioning by simply editing a table!
1) In a shared studio facility, delegate camera tallies between multiple control rooms
Change GPI and tally routing by simply creating a new map or recalling an existing map
2) Quickly and easily route GPI's from one location to another on the same floor, in the same building, between buildings, or across geographic locations
3) Safely integrate GPI's and Tallies from dissimilar equipment
Designed for non-programmers:
User configuration and rules creation are quick and simple via any standard web browser!