The CS5373A modulator provides high dynamic range and low total harmonic distortion, while consuming significantly less power per channel than our previous generation seismic modulators. This modulator consumes 5 mA in normal operation, 220 µA when placed in sleep mode and by halting the input clock of the modulator it enters a power-down state using only 2 µA.
The CS5373A integrated Test DAC is a multifunction differential output digital-to-analog converter intended to test high-resolution, low-frequency measurement systems.
The dual outputs provide a precision output (OUT±) for testing the electronics channel and a buffered output (BUF±) for in-circuit sensor testing. DAC distortion performance (THD) is typically -116 dB from the precision output and -105 dB from the buffered output. Noise performance is 114 dB SNR over a 430 Hz bandwidth. Driven with a digital Delta-Sigma bit-stream from the CS5378 digital filter, the maximum AC analog output voltage is a differential 5 V peak-to- peak signal.
Low-power consumption, selectable attenuation, dual outputs and programmable test modes make this device ideal for testing single sensor seismic acquisition systems and geophysical instruments.