The auto tracking paid add-on application enables automatic tracking according to a subject’s movements. As the subject moves, the camera will pan, tilt, and zoom to maintain the subject’s composition in the frame. The use of Canon’s advanced drive mechanism, advanced auto focus systems, and internal image analysis and camera, provides exceptional tracking performance with smooth camera movement. This added function helps to reduce the camera operator’s workload, letting them focus on other tasks such as camera switching and streaming, and allows for multi-camera shoots with fewer people on set.
The auto tracking is highly responsive, allowing for full body, upper body, and head and torso tracking at both slow and normal walking speeds, and full body and upper body tracking at fast walking speed. In addition, the auto tracking application provides users with a wide range of adjustment functions such as composition, tracking sensitivity, priority display area, fixed viewing angle area, tracking target auto select, pan/tilt halting area, initial position, auto select exclusion, and pan/tilt operation control.
The new auto tracking add-on application is ideal for end-users in markets such as house of worship and corporate event streaming, educational workshops and lectures, and broadcast and corporate interviews.
CR-N700, CR-N500, CR-N300.