Construction of Ascot cases are of the “complete case” type - so precise that all lids of individual case styles are interchangeable. All aluminum angle and valances are Ascot designed and owned, and available in a variety of applicable thickness and gauge. All steel hardware is designed and manufactured exclusively for us to our exacting standards.
Ascot cases feature all 1/4?, 3/8? or 1/2? Baltic Birch plywood that is joined with deep rabbets then glued, nailed and screwed together. The inside construction consists of a series of reinforcing braces that are glued, screwed and nailed into position. A Strongbox lid has a special hinge that enables it to be thrown back 270 degrees and lay flat against the back of the case. This is held in place with an arrangement of screws, bolts and “T” nuts. Two coats of cardinal styrene paint and an “Ascot” polished finish makes for a great appearance.
1/4", 3/8" or 1/2" construction
Full-length steel piano hinge standard on specific styles