The ALEXA XT M (XT = Xtended Technology, M = Modular) is a flexible solution consisting of a separate camera head and body; it is tailored for action and aerial photography, tight corner shots, 3D productions and any application or environment that would challenge a full-sized ALEXA. The M model features the same sensor, image processing, build quality, efficient workflows and exceptional image quality that have made ALEXA such a worldwide success. The head and body of the M are connected with a fiber optic cable, which in a hybrid form can also be used for powering the head. Weighing well under 3 kg, the compact front end offers multiple mounting points and versatile maneuverability. Meanwhile the body provides various options for recording images, sound and metadata, accommodating all workflows of the standard ALEXA XT. Like all ALEXA XT cameras it has a Super 35 sensor with Open Gate and 4:3 sensor modes, in-camera ARRIRAW up to 120 fps, ProRes 4444 XQ, ProRes 3.2K, internal ND filter, Lens Data System, integrated CDL capture, ARRIRAW checksum, included anamorphic de-squeeze and high speed licenses, new viewfinder mounting bracket as well as a new, super silent fan.
- Best overall image quality
- Efficient and versatile workflows
- Simple and safe operation
- Open, future-proof architecture
- Built-in remote control features
- Real-time wired or wireless remote control of lens and camera
- Separate camera body and light weight head
- Up to 50 m/160 ft operating range with hybrid SMPTE cable
- Up to 1 km/0.6 miles operating range when head is powered separately
- Controls and media can be kept in easy reach
- Highest flexibility on the set
- Small form factor and low weight of head for lightweight and size-critical camera and 3D applications