The ABW Series Miniature Broadcast Quality Low Pass Brickwall Filters were designed with original equipment manufacturers in mind. Their miniature size and superior performance will enhance any analog or digital television, RF or microwave product. These ultra sharp low pass cutoff filters are designed to improve analog and digital television signal by reducing interference from higher frequency subcarriers. Ultra sharp cutoff video low pass filter available in open or closed box construction.
Ultra sharp low pass cutoff filter with greater than 42dB attenuation
Stopband ratio = 1.066 x Fc (end of passband ripple frequency)
ABW-4P20 will pass 4.2 MHz and give greater than 42dB rejection at 4.48 MHz
Cutoff frequency available from 2 MHz to 8 MHz
Phase and delay equalized over 92.8% of the passband
75 ohms impedance
Good return loss, greater than 20 dB
Available in open or closed-box construction
NTSC and PAL video systems
ENG microwave system
Microwave and studio equipment
Roofing filters
Low pass filtering of audio from video signals
Removing out-of-band interference
Eliminating audio buzz caused by audio sub-carrier